Ultimates Care Trust - Special Occasion (23rd July 2022) Annadhanam provided to Sri Ramana Seva Ashram, Karukkampalayam, Avinashi, Tirupur District, Tamil Nadu. This year UCT is entering 3rd Year of Social Service.
No. of Students : 22
Staff : 5
Staff Children : 5
Total : 32
We Spread Humanity…
Under the Special Occasion Annadhanam program UCT provided lunch for 55 Students on the eve of BAKRID at Darul Uloom Naseeriya, a home run by Islamic Imam at Coimbatore.
14 April 2022 Project Lead: K.M.Saravanamurali Status: Completed
Annadhanam is like someone gives you the opportunity to be a giver of the life. When you offer this without any expectation, you become an embodiment of love.
We at Ultimates Care Trust provide " Annadhanam" ( food / provisions ) on special occasions of a particular year. This financial year we started our Annadhanam on Tamil New Year 14th, April 2022. Over 300 inmates of Universal Peace Foundation at Coimbatore were given breakfast.